In the beginning...

there was dog.

And dog said, let there be food. 
And belly-rubs, and ear-scratches, and treats.
And so, dog found humans.

Two unsuspecting humans, already ruled by a feline overlord, to be specific.
Dog saw that their household was incomplete without someone to greet them with wags of tail and licks of tongue.
Someone to destroy their furniture and try to eat their paperwork.
Someone to howl them awake in the middle of the night for no particular reason.

Dog's big canine heart wept for these sad, furless beings.
So cold and alone in this world.

So, one day, Dog arrived at their doorstep, disguised as, well...Dog.
And she said "Woof!"

The humans were helpless against the beauty and charms of Dog.
They immediately took her in, warmed by her gentle, glowing, flea-infested presence.
Little did they know, that their lives were soon going to change forever.
